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Version: Current


⬆️ Install or Upgrade

Follow the Flow CLI installation guide for instructions on how to install or upgrade the CLI.

💥 Breaking Changes

Flow Go SDK Update

Update Flow Go SDK version from v0.19.0 to v0.20.0. Read more about new version in the release notes.

⭐ Features

New Command To Manage Configuration

Add or remove resources from the configuration using the new flow config command. Usage is possible via interactive prompt or by using flags. Command syntax is as follows:

flow config <add|remove> <account|contract|deployment|network>

Example for adding an account to the config via interactive prompt:

Name: Foo
Address: f8d6e0586b0a20c7
✔ ECDSA_P256
✔ SHA3_256
Private key: 1286...01afc
Key index (Default: 0): 0
Account Foo added to the configuration

Example for adding an account to the config without interactive prompt:

./main config add account --address f8d6e0586b0a20c7 --name Foo --private-key 1286...01afc
Account Foo added to the configuration

We recommend using manage command to do any changes in the configuration as it will also validate input values for you and will abstract any changes in the configuration format.

Decode Keys

Command for decoding public keys in the RLP encoded format.

Example of using the command:

> flow keys decode f847b84084d716c14b051ad6b001624f738f5d302636e6b07cc75e4530af7776a4368a2b586dbefc0564ee28384c2696f178cbed52e62811bcc9ecb59568c996d342db2402038203e8
Public Key 84d716c14b051ad6b001624f738f5d302636e6b07cc75e4530af7776a4368a2b586dbefc0564ee28384c2696f178cbed52e62811bcc9ecb59568c996d342db24
Signature algorithm ECDSA_P256
Hash algorithm SHA3_256
Weight 1000
Revoked false

🎉 Improvements

Include And Exclude Flags

Include and Exclude flags were added to the transaction and account resource thus allowing you to further specify verbosity of the output.

Documentation Changes

Multiple reported documentation fixes.

🐞 Bug Fixes

Import Detection Fix

Fix for a reported bug: An error occurs when executing a script that imports a built-in contract (Crypto contract) with Flow CLI command.